Open Call for TINY SUPERS Micro-settings!

Tiny Supers is coming! And we want you!

We’re opening up the floodgates, and allowing anyone who wants to submit a pitch for a micro-setting to do so. Anyone is welcome to apply, and this is a paying gig, at the Gallant Knight Games standard professional rate.

Some details about micro-settings: 

  • Micro-settings are 1500 words in length.
  • Your pitch shouldn’t be more than 100 words long.
  • There is no rules writing involved (just “fluff”.)
  • You won’t have to start writing until your stretch goal is hit on the Kickstarter.
  • You will be paid the GKG standard rate of $0.10 USD per word (ten cents USD per word.)
  • We’re aiming to have Tiny Supers on Kickstarer in May, and you would be expected to deliver the final product to us for editing by the end of June.

We will be leaving the Open Call open through April 1st, so if you want to submit you have some time!

Simply go to the link at the bottom of the page here, and submit!


Obviously anything you are paid for becomes the property of Gallant Knight Games. We’re not jerks. If we don’t use your submission, you obviously own it. But if we hire you, you’ll need to sign a contract and that contract will indicate we own it.

Don’t submit offensive, hateful, racist, sexist, or any “-ist” pitches. We’re not interested in that. That’s pretty much an automatic no go for us.

We try to keep stuff PG-13 at worst on our TinyD6 line. Nothing that’s a blatant rip-off or IP theft from another company.